Friday, April 8, 2011

Hope: Quake 2011

Sixteen youth and adults will represent St. Paul at the Quake at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells from April 29 through May 1, 2011.  Please help support them with your prayers and, if you can, with some financial gifts.  All who donate to our travel and adventure will be invited to join us between services on May 8 (Mother's Day) to talk with us one on one.  We will share our adventure with you as you share your gifts with us!  In advance, thank you very much.   If you wish, use the envelope provided, the sheet with the list of participants and a check made out to St. Paul LYO or cash.  If you want to designate an individual you are supporting, feel free to circle that name.  If you wish to support the group, just turn in an unmarked list.