Tuesday, June 16, 2015

SMP Surveys

Please fill out and return the Surveys that were sent out via mail and email by next Tuesday, June 23rd. We need the information collected to create a Site Ministry Profile, which must be done before we can start the process of "calling" a new pastor.

New Custodian

Please give a warm welcome to our new church custodian, Curtis. He has been a wonderful addition to our church. The church looks wonderful!

Vacation Bible School

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL begins Monday from 9 - 11 a.m. through Friday.  It's NOT TOO LATE to register the children.  Forms are on the table by the church office.   There is a signup sheet by the church office to bring some ingredients for the making of snacks.  ALL teachers, helpers and volunteers in anyway will be "installed" at whichever service is attended.