Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Annual congregational meeting is Sunday, Jan. 29

The annual congregational meeting will be held between services Sunday, Jan. 29. Save the date!

Please turn in your reports to Kayla in the church office as soon as possible!

Volunteers needed for Lenten services

St. Paul needs more people to serve as greeters/ushers and worship assistants during Lent.

Midweek Lenten services are on the following Wednesdays: Feb. 22, Feb. 29, March 7, March 14, March 21, March 28. Maundy Thursday is April 5. Good Friday is April 6. The Easter Vigil is April 7.

We have only a small group of people signed up to serve at regular Sunday services, and we would like to gather more people to help out during Lent.

Please call Kayla in the church office to sign up. Thank you!

Barnabas Ministry workshop is Saturday, Jan. 14

St. Paul Lutheran Church is hosting a Barnabas Ministry workshop from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 14.

The workshop is open to anyone in the congregation, especially those who feel called to a ministry of caring for the elderly, shut-in and hospitalized. Barnabas Ministry is a simple, effective program to train volunteers to give care.

Call the church office at (815) 288-2757 to sign up.