Thursday, June 30, 2011

When You Are In the Hospital

Please call the church so the Pastor can visit and pray with you.  Either call the church or instruct the hospital to call our church office.  Recently adopted privacy laws prohibit pastors from looking over hospital admission's lists to find the names of members.  Now the church relies entirely on you or the hospital to call the church office so we know you or someone you love is in the hospital.  Please let us know.  Thanks.

Adult Forum Bible Study - Sundays between the services

Please join Pastor Janet in the Social Room each Sunday between the services for an Adult Bible Study.  Right now they are studying the Book of Galatians.

6th Grade Acolyte Training

Those who are going into 6th grade may become acolytes.  To show you the correct way of flame-throwing or lighting the candles, we will have a training class on Sunday morning between services on July 24 or July 31.  You need to attend only one of these.  If you cannot attend either, contact Peg at 288-2757 or 440-0003.

Pastor Swarbrick Slide Presentation July 17th

St. Paul's will have a slide presentation of Pastor Swarbrick's ministry between the services on Sunday, July 17th. 

O Blood Drive July 14th 12-5pm

St. Paul Lutheran is hosting an O Blood Drive on Thursday, July 14th from 12-5pm.  Anyone who is at least 17 years old, weighs at least 110 pounds and is in general good health should be eligible to donate blood.   For more information or to schedule an appointment, call the church office at 815-288-2757.  

Installation of Pastor Janet Wittenmyer

Please join us for the installation service of our new Pastor Janet L. Wittenmyer on Sunday, July 10th at 3pm in the sanctuary with a cake reception to follow.

Petunia Parade & Food Booth

Please join us for the annual Dixon Petunia Parade and St. Paul's Food Booth in our church parking lot from 11 am until the end of the parade.  We will be serving hot dogs, popcorn and water.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

NIS Youth Assembly - June 16th

The Synod's Youth Assembly will be held on Thursday, June 16, 2011 at Augustana College, Rock Island.  This is where the Synod's LYO members elect officers and plan for the next year.  The youth delegates to the Synod Assembly may attend the sessions and stay with fellow youth in the dorms.  If you are interested in this leadership opportunity and want to meet fellow Lutheran youth from around our Synod, contact Peg Miller for more information.

Pentecost Sunday - June 12th

Celebrate Pentecost at St. Paul.  Red is the color of this festival Sunday.  Let's make St. Paul    aglow with RED.  Wear red and show the joy of the Spirit.  Bring a red geranium to recognize the birthday of the church.  Monday after the service, we will plant these around the church grounds to share the SPIRIT!!!!  The Spirit sends us out to bring others to Christ; so bring a friend to worship on that day.



Dixon Church Softball League

There will be a summer church slow pitch softball league this year at the Reagan Middle School on Mondays at 6pm.  Please see the schedule on the gathering room table for the dates and times.  For more information, contact Bill Bollman (815-288-2398) or the church office (815-288-2757).